A national PR agency that loves and lives in the North


We combine ideas and influence to drive impact through word of mouth and brand engagement.


PR and social media agency Down At The Social has won a competitive pitch to launch a game changing new heating gadget which is set to fight fuel poverty and help households nationwide this winter.

Airgon is a North West designed and manufactured appliance that attaches to the heating system and removes air; making the radiators hotter and increasing the amount of heat transferred for less fuel. It also works to prevent cold spots building up in the radiators. 

Cold spots occur when air gets trapped in radiators or due to a build up of sludge which both prevent the flow of water transferring heating into the room.  Over time, more and more air and sludge accumulates in the radiators meaning that the boiler has to work harder. The radiator will then need to be bled, or at worst, the entire heating system may need a power flush, which can cost anywhere from £350 - £800, on average. 

Airgon is a compact, easy to fit device that can be installed to any wet heating system in under 30 minutes.  For a one-off £249 cost, it will increase the efficiency of old boilers by as much as 30%.

Down at the Social is briefed with making this £249 gadget a household name through a campaign of media relations, stunts and digital PR alongside an exciting partnership designed to help people who are struggling to pay their bills as well as those who wish to make their home more energy efficient.  

Daisy Whitehouse, MD at Down at the Social, said; “It’s so exciting to be working on a launch that really could make a massive difference to people’s lives right now.  If all of the UK’s 23 million households with gas boilers installed an Airgon it would reduce CO2 emissions by 20m metric tonnes. This would achieve almost 50% of the UK government’s domestic target for carbon emissions in just 12 months.

“So we are tasked with getting the word out far and wide to help meet the goal of getting them in as many households as possible this winer.  The campaign has already begun and coverage is driving sales so we are off to a great start.”

Mark Brown, co-creator of Airgon, said; “From the first meeting with DATS we felt that they not only understood the potential for Airgon, but were excited about working with us to educate the nation about why they should buy one. The team immediately demonstrated brilliant media contacts and a razor sharp ability to get the right messaging into a piece of coverage so we are very much looking forward to working with them on this campaign.”

Mel Hill